Dog Health

Are Dogs Creative? One Study Found Out


Dogs have been praised for their intelligence, loyalty, and obedience for centuries. However, can we add creativity to their list of attributes? A recent study conducted at the University of Lethbridge in Alberta, Canada, aimed to answer this question. In this article, we will explore the study’s findings and what they mean for our understanding of canine behavior.

The Study

The study involved a series of experiments designed to evaluate dogs’ capacity for divergent thinking, a key component of creativity. In one experiment, dogs were presented with a barrier and two ways of escaping it. One of the ways was a well-known, familiar method, while the other involved an unusual, unconventional method. The dogs who chose the unconventional method were considered to be displaying creative behavior.

In another experiment, dogs were presented with a puzzle box containing food. The box had two openings: one was a familiar, simple opening, and the other required more effort and creativity to open. The dogs who attempted to open the box using the more challenging method were deemed to be displaying creative behavior.

The study’s results showed that a significant number of dogs demonstrated creative behavior in both experiments. This finding challenges the conventional wisdom that dogs lack creativity.

Evidence of Dog Creativity

The study’s results are not entirely surprising, given the ample evidence of creative behavior in dogs. For instance, many dogs have been observed engaging in play behavior that involves novel and unusual actions, such as hiding toys in unusual places or creating games with objects they find in their environment. Some dogs also display problem-solving skills that require creative thinking, such as figuring out how to open doors or finding ways to escape from enclosed spaces.

These examples suggest that creativity may be an essential aspect of dogs’ cognitive abilities. However, the study’s authors note that more research is needed to determine the extent of dogs’ creative capacity and how it compares to that of other animals.

The Importance of Understanding Dog Creativity

The study’s findings have significant implications for our understanding of dogs’ intelligence and their potential as learners. Research has shown that creativity is linked to intelligence in humans, and the same may be true for dogs. Encouraging creativity in dogs may help to promote their cognitive development and improve their ability to solve problems and learn new behaviors.

Furthermore, creativity can be a source of enrichment and enjoyment for dogs. Engaging in creative activities, such as playing with toys in novel ways or engaging in new games, can enhance dogs’ well-being and increase their overall quality of life.


In conclusion, the recent study conducted at the University of Lethbridge provides evidence that dogs can be creative. While further research is needed to determine the extent of their creative abilities, the study’s findings suggest that creativity may be an essential aspect of dogs’ cognitive capacity. Encore